We moved to the Oregon coast last year (Dec. 2016). Since then I have seen a lot of driftwood artistry AND a lot of driftwood. While looking on Pinterest I found an image that inspired me so I am working on a driftwood “painting.”
It is taking quite a lot of time. First hunting for small pieces of driftwood – which is more difficult than I had thought it would be. Most pieces are too large. Originally, I wanted to have each piece original to its size as I found it, but I had to start cutting off some of the pieces because it was just too hard to find the exact size. I also decided to use wine bottle corks for additional interest.
To make sure there are no little critters living in the driftwood, I soaked each piece in water with bleach added for a few days. I hope this was a long enough time since what I had read said to soak and drain a few times.
I decided to glue the pieces onto use a 16″ x 24″ canvas. I first lay out a few driftwood pieces, then glue when I am happy. I only glue a few pieces at a time.
I will be posting a few more images as I work on it.
This is the image I saw on Pinterest that inspired my project: